Hi there, I'm Karlen

It's great to meet you.

About Me

I am currently a software engineering graduate student passionate about working on creative projects and finding simple technological solutions to complex problems. When I am not coding, I am probably out for a jog, gone for a hike, or discovering new places around the globe. Feel free to send me a message if you would like to get in touch!

MEng. Software Engineering
University of Calgary (May 2020 - Present)
BSc. Mechanical Engineering
University of Calgary (Sept 2013 - Apr 2018)

Work Experience

Orchestration Intern - Hewlett Packard Enterprise

As part of the Communication & Media Solutions team, I developed containerized java applications to retreive information for routers using REST APIs during service provisioning.

Software Analyst - Noralta Technologies

During this role, I developed custom graphical user interfaces using C# with oil site monitoring and control capabilities for Noralta's custom SaaS application. I also managed client data using Microsoft SQL Server and maintained 24/7 optimial server performace through both emergency and regular maintenance.

Facilities and Development Engineering Co-op Student - Husky Energy

At Husky, I decreased oil sampling costs by 50% through designing a database to track oil testing properties, as well as conducted cash flow analysis to determine if projects were profitable to pursue. I was also the main point of contact with many of the contractors during construction of the expansion project.


Tool Shop Manager Application

Multithreaded customer and inventory management application written in java that reads and writes to a MySQL database. Created using the MVC design pattern and client server architecture.

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Course Outline Creator

A web application created using React.JS that allows professors to easily create course outlines.

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Stock Price Predictor Using Machine Learning

Attempting to predict the direction of stock prices using the Random Forest Classifier and other machine learning models using pyspark and MLLib. Achieved an accuracy score of 84.7% and an F1 score of 88.2%.

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City of Calgary Traffic Database

A database for Calgary's traffic incidents and volume written in python, which includes a graphical user interface. Main functionalities include sorting, modelling, and inserting new entries through a MongoDB database, as well as plotting locations on a folium map.

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Final Drive Senior Designer

As a senior designer, I used 3D CAD software to design the final drive system for the University's formula 1 team for the annual international FSAE competition at Lincoln, Nebraska. I also led a small team to find continuous improvements to the final drive system, where we managed to trim a total of 1.1kg off the 2018 design. During the same year, our team placed 7th out of 82 teams in the design category.

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